Rejection is your Redirection!

Experiencing rejection is inevitable. Likewise it sucks. I have never had someone come to me and be excited about being rejected. If they did I would probably worry a little bit. I personally have dealt with rejection (surprise surprise) and it is the 2nd worst feeling in my opinion. And if you're wondering what my first is it's childbirth. Haven't done it yet BUT it looks painful.

Yes, I have been rejected in many forms, many times over the course of my life. Rejected love. Rejected to play on teams. Rejected for job opportunities. However, this entry is about the last time I was rejected by a job I thought I absolutely wanted. It seemed as if everything was perfect and in alignment with what I wanted. The expected duties, level of experience required, even the pay. It all made sense on paper, so I shot my shot. I got through the initial assessment and invited to the a first interview. I thought I was ready. I had researched the organization front and back. I wrote out all the topics I thought would be brought up by the interviewers. I felt so sure I would kill the interview. Well, I didn't. Yes I received the feedback that it was very competitive blah blah blah, but I felt it in my gut during the interview that this isn't going well. It was like a strong feeling that I and the interview panel were not vibing (defined as to have a good or positive relationship or feeling with something/someone). It was as if my energy was not meeting theirs. Yes, I had all the experience and checked most of the boxes on paper. What was lacking was the connection. Can I see myself there? Can they see me "fitting in"?

| These can be true, but what also could be true is, maybe, they are not ready for ME.

I was so ready for this opportunity which made the rejection feel even more harsh. I questioned my self awareness. Do I think too highly of myself? Am I not has elite in my industry as I thought? These can be true, but what also could be true is that maybe they were not ready for me. Or maybe that was not the right role/place that suited me. So as I unpacked this experience, new reflections started coming to mind. I started to appreciate more of what just occurred. There were lessons here, and here are a few of them I jotted down:

  1. I need to practice interviewing more. It has been a minute since I have been on that side of the process;

  2. The money wasn't enough to sustain me. Yes it would meet my immediate needs, but long term, I am not so sure;

  3. I was not ready to start over at a 9-5. I have accomplished so much and my real desire is to break free from the structure of this system; and

  4. Leaving my current situation would complicate things. I have unfinished business and loving this remote life (balance).

| This rejection redirected my focus from the right now to the what is possible. This rejection redirected my ability to see my true desires - work life balance and freedom. This rejection was my redirection to my true purpose and divine plan.

Sometimes a rejection in the moment can be a redirection for your life journey. At that moment I was in a mindset that I needed a new job and the opportunity looked good...really good...for who I was in that moment. But I realized I needed to make decisions for who I am becoming, and hindsight, that opportunity didn't fit. This rejection redirected my focus from the right now to the what is possible. This rejection redirected my ability to see my true desires - work life balance and freedom. This rejection was my redirection to my true purpose and divine plan. So I am leaning in on life rejections because I might just get redirected into something much greater...STAY TUNED!

If you recently experienced a rejection in your professional life that has caused you to turn back to the drawing board, allow me to be a resource to help you navigate you in your new direction. Join my success coaching program today.

I am my grandmother’s wildest dreams!


Black History Month "Do's & Don'ts"